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Resting Paws Inc.
Funeral & Cremation Service
Proudly serving Staten Island & it's surrounding areas
24 Hours / 7 Days a week
(917) 816 - 0354
February 12, 2025 ~ February 18, 2025

Welcome to
Resting Paws Inc.
Funeral & Cremation Service
Full service post life pet care
Saying goodbye is never easy. At Resting Paws Funeral & Cremation Service (Resting Paws) we are aware of your needs and we truly share in your grief. While we can never possibly say we know what you are going through, we can most certainly express our sympathy towards you and your beloved companion through our services.
Traditionally, when it has come time to let our pet’s go our options have been few. Resting Paws was founded with the belief that there is more we can do for our beloved companions at the end of their lives than just say goodbye. We feel that by offering several different options and ways for you to memorialize your pet's life, it can provide a sense of comfort and closure to you and your family.
We do not see a difference when it comes to grief. Losing a human family member or a beloved pet can be equally devastating. All those involved will handle and deal with the loss differently.
Simply put, we should return unconditional love! From the initial phone call my wife, myself or one of our caring professionals are available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to handle every aspect of your pet's funeral arrangements. We will personally pick up your companion from your home or veterinarian's office and gently transport them in a caring and loving manor to our location at which time arrangements can be made for them.
Our Services

Pick up and Transportation
After the passing of a pet it does not take long for confusion to set in. What happens next? Do we just leave them here? Where should we bring them to? What should we put them in? Is our veterinarian open? These are just a few of the questions we may ask ourselves.
Resting Paws Funeral & Cremation Service (Resting Paws) will handle this for you. With pride and dignity we will pick up your companion from their place of passing 24 hours, 7 days a week and transport them to our location until proper arrangements can be made for them.

At this time we will gently guide and work with your family to discuss the options that are available to memorialize your beloved companion. From a basic cremation to something more elaborate every families needs and views are different when it comes to their loved one.
From the smallest of family pets to the largest, we will be with you every step of the way.

Cremation Options
Private and Communal
Private Cremation is when your pet is placed in the cremation chamber by them self without any sort of commingling with other animals. Once the process is completed he/she is removed , placed in an urn and returned to you.
Communal Cremation is when several pets are placed in the cremation chamber at one time with or without separation between them. The communal process allows for the commingling of cremated remains. With this process we cannot return the ashes of your pet.
However, you still have the option of purchasing "Tributes of Remembrance" for them.

Burial Options
When it comes to the burial of your companion where you reside and your desired location for the burial will be factors. We will work with you to determine the best option for your personal needs.
This photo depicts the standard way your pet will be returned ~ Nameplate is sold separately.

Urn color, size & shape may vary slightly between dark & light wood
Why should you use our services?
As a licensed Funeral Director for over 24 years myself and my family know very well the importance of “Personal Care”.
We will work one on one with your family to provide the care that is needed at this difficult time.
We, and the respected professionals that we trust to represent us ONLY handle your pet.
Whatever you choose as the disposition for your companion burial or cremation we are personally involved with every step.
When cremation is chosen, your pet is transported BY US to the crematory and returned to you BY US from the crematory. A third party courier or delivery service will only be used if requested along with the consent of the pets owner. (A fee will apply)
Your pet is returned to you within just a few days if not hours after the arrangements have been made for them whereas with other services typically offered it could take up to 10 days or more.
You have the peace of mind knowing that your pet is being handled with the love and respect they deserve.
We started this service after having suffered the loss of our own pet. The feelings of emptiness and helplessness, and the knowing deep down there was more we could have done to ensure he was given the proper care set us on this path. WE ARE PET PARENTS AS WELL……..
"The animals possess a soul and men must love and feel solidarity with our smaller brethren".
"All animals are fruit of the creative action of the Holy Spirit and merit respect. They are as near to God as men are".
~ Pope John Paul II ~
Service Pricing
Honoring our veterans, active military & first responders with special pricing on merchandise. Thank you for ALL you do!
Due yo rising costs, as of September 21, 2024 a service fee adjustment will go in to effect.
We thank you for understanding and placing your trust in us.
o Local Pickup from Home or Veterinarian’s office (*)
o Personally transferred to and from crematory or transferred to place of burial
o Wood Urn (Upgrades are available)
o Plaster Paw Print Keepsake
o Fur Clipping in Heart shaped tin
o Cremation Certificate
o Website Tribute
* “Local” defined as on Staten Island. Pickup off of Staten Island may have an additional fee of $ 95.00. Based on tolls & mileage.
We are available to you 24 hours, 7 days per week.
Base Service Fees: ( A 4% credit / debit card fee will apply on all service and merchandise )
1 - 15 lbs. $450.00
15 - 30 lbs. $470.00
30 - 60 lbs. $500.00
60 - 90 lbs. $540.00
90 - 120 lbs. $595.00
120 - 150 lbs. $665.00
Over 150 lbs. $750.00
1 - 15 lbs. $310.00
15 - 30 lbs. $320.00
30 - 60 lbs. $335.00
60 - 90 lbs. $360.00
90 - 120 lbs. $415.00
120 - 150 lbs. $475.00
Over 150 lbs. $555.00
* Please note, when Communal Cremation is selected we cannot return ashes to you.
** All weight classes on the cusp will be billed at the next higher weight class.
Also Available
Additional Paw Prints - $14.95
Memorial Photo Cards (Min. 25 cards) - $ TBD by selection
Additional Fur Clipping - $4.95
Photo Urn w/ picture of your choice & Brass Nameplate - $ 98.00 & up - see "Memorial Products" below. (THIS CHOICE WILL REPLACE STANDARD URN)
Urn Nameplate (Brass) - $38.00
Green Home Burial Kits - Ask for pricing
Pre Arrangement Services ( Discuss your options in advance )
24 hour return of your companion $175.00 additional fee
Private Cremation with family witnessing $125.00 ( CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE )
Additional staff member (if needed) for large pet transportation $115.00
Shipment of Ashes within the United States by way of USPS (Flat Fee) $65.00
Memorial visitations (At our location or a location of your choice) Prices will vary
In home euthanasia by Licensed Veterinarian - APPOINTMENTS ARE REQUIRED (Veterinarian may require 24 - 48 hours notice)
In Memoriam
May the memories etched in to our heart's never fade...
If you would like to write a heart felt message or a short tribute for any of the families we have served, please fill out the Contact Us link below & we will post it as well as send it to the family.
Memorial Products
Photo Urn Collection
All Photo Urns come with Brass Nameplate & Picture of your choice

Cherry Wood 30-P-001

Mango Wood 30-502
Horizontal or Vertical

Sheesham Wood 92-200
Horizontal or Vertical

Shadow Box Duo
Most Frequent

Sand of Time Paw Print
$ 23.85

Plaster Paw Print
$ 14.95

Solid Stone
Garden Plaque
$ 28.00

Parting Stones
Price Available upon Request

Fur Clipping
$ 4.95

Urn Nameplate (Brass)
$ 38.00

Solid Wood Heart Keepsake
( Light / Dark Wood )
$ 126.25 - Engraved
Optional stand available

Paw Print & Photo Frame
Turning Frames with Double Face
$ 65.00
Slate Collection

Brass Paw Print Heart
$ 122.25
30 - A - 887H
Optional stand available

Slate Paw Tracks
Ava. ~ xSm. / Sm. / Md.
$ 126.50 ~ $ 146.50
30 - A - 830

Slate Single Paw Urn
Ava. ~ Sm. / Md. / Lg.
$ 126.50 ~ $ 176.50
30 - A - 887
Cultured Stone Collection

Heart Photo Keepsake
$ 191.75
30 - R - PET02

Heart Prints
Ava. Sm. & Lg.
$ 191.50 & $ 248.50
30 -R - EA 200 / 100
Large Keepsake Candle Holder
$ 191.75
30 - R - 2002
Keepsake Pendants 🐾

Pendants are Stainless Steel ~ Chain sold separately ~ Engraving Available
$ 61.59 ea.
🐾 Many more options in the FULL CATALOG below
Home Burial Kit Options
Perfect home memorialization.

Cremation Monument
Holds 200 C.I. of Ashes
30 - C - 050
Price Available upon Request

Cremation Monument Keepsake
Holds 14 C.I. of Ashes
30 - C - 052
Price Available upon Request

Beveled Outside Marker
30 - C - 065
Price Available upon Request

Flat Outside Marker
30 - C - 064
Price Available upon Request

Blooming Bio - Urns
Ava. Sm. / Md. / Lg.
$ 65.00 ~ $ 85.00

Blooming Bio - Urn Adornments
"Your Choice"
Art Glass Collection
Color may vary. On all ART GLASS orders an additional fee of $19.95 will be added for shipping.

Side Heart Pendant
(Shown in Ruby Color)
96 - 022
$ 243.75
Four shapes to choose from

Eternal Flame
xSm. / Sm. / Md. / Lg.
$ 450.00 ~ $ 3200.00
Lighted Base sold Separately
Engraving on Base is Available

Sm. 3" Dia. / Lg. 4" Dia
$ 348.00 & $ 428.00

Standing Forever Heart
(Shown in Infinity Color)
96 - 015
Sm. 3" Dia. $ 276.25
Heart Stand sold Separately in Brass & Pewter

Pet Paw
(Shown in Infinity Color)
96 - 060
2.75" W x 2.75" H
Note - Lays Flat
CLICK to view a full catalog.
Advance Planning
The death of any family member is tragic. Too often, very little time is ever spent thinking about the death of our pets. Many times we do not think we have options for them after they have died or we are just unaware of them. BUT KNOW, you do have options!
After the loss of a beloved pet, quickly questions & concerns come to mind such as; What will happen to them? Who do I call? What do I do with their body? Can I take them home from the veterinarian's office?, I don't wan't to just leave them there, they are family. And so on...
This is exactly why there are many benefits to Advance Planning so you can better prepare and become familiar with services that are available. Spending just a few minutes can make the difficult time ahead a little less chaotic, thus giving you the peace of mind & the ability to grieve properly.
Here is a short list of the most basic reasons to speak to us about Advance Planning.
~ Knowing ahead of time what options are available for you & your pet.
~ Making Logical decisions opposed to emotional ones.
~ Learning about payment options.
~ Reduces the anxiety about what is going to happen at the end of your pet's life.
~ Learn how to care for your pet's body once they have died.
~ Allows you & your family time to discuss memorialization options for your pet that may help cope with the loss.
~ Becoming familiar with our team will provide a sense of comfort knowing who will be handling your pets body once they have passed.
~ You are able to provide the necessary information to us (if you wish) that will be needed at the time of death to have the selected services preformed.
Contact Us
24 Hours / 7 Days a week
Call or email us at Resting Paws with any questions you may have or to discuss our pricing and the memorial options that may be right for your family.
Mailing Address Only
550 Manor Road Suite # 82
Staten Island, NY 10314, USA